Gaming Commission: Fewer Belgians gambled on Euro 2024 than on the 2022 World Cup

The Gaming Commission (KSC) presents the first figures on online betting during the Euro 2024. As expected, there was an increase in the number of players compared to normal periods. But it remained more limited than during the 2022 World Cup.

Most important figures at a glance

  • Total number of online players: 527,549 -10% compared to 2022 World Cup
  • New players: 31,958 -26% compared to 2022 World Cup
  • Active players per day: 196,952 -11% compared to 2022 World Cup

Full report in the fall

The KSC emphasizes that these figures are a snapshot and that a full report will be published later this year. With all trends and findings about the Euro 2024 and the Olympic Games that will take place in 2024.

The decline compared to the 2022 World Cup could be due to several factors. Such as the later timing of the European Championship in the year, the lower performance of the Red Devils or increased concerns about the risks of online gambling.

In any case, the KSC calls for responsible gambling and offers various tools and information for this purpose on its website.

Maxime: At the heart of the Gambling Club is our dedicated journalist, Maxime (32), whose passion for journalism goes beyond simply reporting facts. With a keen eye for detail and an insatiable curiosity, Maxime strives to uncover the stories that matter, that shape our communities, and that impact the world around us. With years of experience in the gambling industry, ranging from local news reporting to international investigations, Maxime brings a deep understanding of the complexities of today’s news landscape.