In the Netherlands, research has been carried out into several technical possibilities for overall game limits. The associated law amendment process lasts 1 to 2 years. Minister Weerwind hopes to have the profile for this already ready by the end of the year.
At the beginning of February, MP Mirjam Bakker presented a proposal to realize this project before next summer. His proposal was adopted in the House of Representatives on February 13. The minister has already expressed his approval, but also indicated that this process could have challenges. He therefore prioritizes developing a system to make this possible.
We must not only consider changes in the function of the legal channel. The minister also wants to scientifically study how overall gambling limits can best be applied in the following areas:
- Analysis and weighting of game objectives
- Explore technical solutions
- Management and supervision
- Laws and regulations
Several technical options
The personal responsibility of players was the basis of the proposed law, notably through self-imposed limits. However, the proposal reveals that the Tweede Kamer wishes to move away from this opinion.
Response from Franc Weerwind:
“I note that the majority of your chamber now has a different opinion on the principle which was underlined at the time by the legislator, namely the players’ own responsibility.”
The minister himself continues to prioritize scientific research so that it is possible to examine how to best and most widely protect players. In October 2022, it indicated that global gaming limits were not possible for technical and privacy reasons. However, at the end of 2023, he again requested a study following calls from, among others, the ‘Nationaal Rapporteur Verslavingen’ (National Rapporteur on Addictions).
The result is that several technical possibilities have been found and further research is currently being carried out.
Introduction of a global limit
When the law was being drafted, it was initially decided not to introduce a national player administration. Legislative changes are needed to make this enforceable. The necessary changes are currently being reviewed and are taking time to implement. Depending on this, the minister estimates that it could take another year or two.
He wants to complete the framework by the end of 2024 and share it with the House of Representatives. The costs are currently unclear, but should be known at the end of this year.
This could potentially encourage the Belgian government to also implement such initiatives.