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Gambling advertising: the National Lottery in the crosshairs of politicians

For several months, debates around gambling and its social impacts have been intensifying in Belgium. While private operators are subject to increasingly strict regulations, the National Lottery could also face drastic changes. Elected officials from several political parties, including Groen, Vooruit and N-VA, are calling for fairer legislation, with a view to a total ban on advertising for National Lottery products, such as scratch cards or online games.

A project aligned with public health experts

The Groen party recently tabled a bill banning all advertising for National Lottery products and proposing to raise the minimum age to play National Lottery games online from 18 to 21. This proposal is in line with the recommendations of the High Council of Health, which stresses the need to protect vulnerable populations, particularly young adults.

“Recently, the National Lottery has developed more and more products that can lead to gambling addiction. We must therefore intervene. Gambling addiction has an enormous social cost,” says Professor Frieda Matthys, an expert in psychiatry.

The National Lottery’s advertising slogans, such as “Become scandalously rich” have also attracted strong criticism. Stefaan Van Hecke, a Groen MP, believes that these messages prioritize profits to the detriment of player protection.

Necessary but complex debate

The National Lottery, which generates nearly 1.5 billion euros in annual turnover, plays a key role in financing associations and social initiatives. Each year, it redistributes around 220 million euros to the non-profit sector and 145 million euros to the State. This significant contribution has often slowed down reforms aimed at more strictly regulating its activities.

However, pressure is mounting from the Flemish parties. Michaël Freilich, N-VA MP, points out that the lack of strict regulation for a public entity has become difficult to justify. According to him, it is inconsistent that private operators are subject to drastic restrictions while the National Lottery continues to promote its products.

All the more so since some of the National Lottery’s games are closer to an online casino game than to traditional lotteries. Indeed, Woohoo games are distinguished by their immersive visual format, fast-paced mechanisms and engaging animations. Very similar to those of slot machines or online gambling.

What impact for players?

If the bill is adopted, the consequences will be significant:

  1. Total ban on advertising: The National Lottery will no longer be able to promote its products, potentially reducing the appeal for new players.
  2. Minimum age raised to 21: A measure aimed at protecting young adults, who are more likely to develop risky behaviors.

Advocates of these measures believe that they will limit exposure to gambling and reduce the risk of addiction. However, some experts warn that this could also push players towards illegal operators, which are less regulated.

As the debates continue, the National Lottery questions the feasibility of these proposals. In a written response, it points out that it represents only 4% of the market share of gambling in Belgium and that it already operates within a strict regulatory framework.


At the heart of the Gambling Club is our dedicated journalist, Maxime (32), whose passion for journalism goes beyond simply reporting facts. With a keen eye for detail and an insatiable curiosity, Maxime strives to uncover the stories that matter, that shape our communities, and that impact the world around us.

With years of experience in the gambling industry, ranging from local news reporting to international investigations, Maxime brings a deep understanding of the complexities of today’s news landscape.


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