Gambling club casino news egba

Gamblers make conscious choices: Safety measures increasingly popular

The European gambling sector is taking an important step forward in the field of responsible gaming. In 2023 the use of safer gambling tools has risen to a record high. So does the new sustainability report from the European Gaming & Betting Association EGBA show.

“We are pleased with the increase in the use of tools and proactive communication with players. This shows that our members are committed to a sustainable gambling sector.”

Maarten Haaijer, Secretary General of EGBA

Notable findings:

  • 65% of players use tools for safer gambling (+14% compared to 2022).
  • 21 million players use tools, a new record.
  • More than half of the players use aids voluntarily.
  • Deposit limit is the most popular tool used by 70% of players.
  • Gambling companies send a record number of 67.6 million messages about safe gambling (+49%).
  • 23.7 million of these messages are personalized based on gaming behavior.
  • 80% of employees at gambling companies receive training on safe gambling.

Haaijer also emphasizes the dangers of the illegal gambling market: “We are concerned about the growing black market. This poses a major risk to players. We urgently call for stricter regulation and enforcement to tackle the illegal gambling market.”



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