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New Gaming Act in Belgium: This will change on June 1, 2024

Today, May 22, 2024, the new law amending the gambling law of May 7, 1999, was published in the Belgian Official Journal. This law will take effect on June 1, 2024, bringing significant changes for operators and players.

Important measures for operators

Operators of Class I, II, and fixed Class IV gambling establishments are now required to maintain a ‘professional register.’ This register includes individuals granted access to the gaming hall for professional reasons without an EPIS check. Additionally, surveillance camera footage and the professional register are added to the documents that can be requested by judicial police officers and liaison officers.

Player protection

To combat gambling addiction, the Gambling Commission (KSC) provides information brochures at press shops. The KSC also meets annually with representatives of license holders and reports on these meetings in its annual report. A legal basis has been added for mandatory protocols and the list of illegal websites, both of which are published in the Belgian Official Journal.

Licenses and identification

For Class C licenses (bars), applicants must continue to meet the conditions listed in Articles 41 and 42. The physical identification card for Class D license (staff of gambling establishments) holders will be replaced by an electronic form. The Consumer Ombudsman Service now handles out-of-court disputes related to gambling and forwards violations to the Gaming Commission.

Changes in age limits and sanctions

The legal age for participating in gambling has been raised from 18 to 21 years. In addition, prison sentences for certain offenses have been replaced by fines ranging from 26 euros to 120,000 euros, depending on the offense.

Advertising regulations have been adjusted, and several royal decrees have been repealed or amended.

Specific implementation timelines

Certain provisions of the new law will come into effect at a later date. Individuals who use another person’s identity to participate in gambling or operators who grant access to excluded persons will be penalized. The EPIS check will be extended to press shops and adjusted to comply with GDPR rules.

Extensive information and details about the new law can be found by clicking HERE.



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