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Peter-Paul de Goeij resigns as director of NOGA

The Dutch Online Gaming Association NOGA has announced that Peter-Paul de Goeij will step down as director as of July 1. De Goeij, who has been working at NOGA since 2019 is leaving his position due to his emigration from the Netherlands.

Interim management and observation

Eric Konings, who has been involved with NOGA since 2022, takes over the position of interim director. He will be supported by Frans van Steenis the former CEO of the Staatsloterij.

Remko de Boer, chairman of the NOGA board of directors, expressed his gratitude for De Goeij’s contribution. He emphasized the role that De Goeij played in the transformation of the organization from SpeelVerresponsible to NOGA, which better represented the interests of members in a turbulent period for the online gaming sector.

De Goeij looks back on his period at NOGA and calls the past few years hectic but valuable, especially the opening of the Dutch online gaming market. He emphasizes the industry’s continued commitment to safe and responsible gaming as the best way to protect consumers.



Campaign warns young people: Gambling on the European Championships can be dangerous!

Half of Dutch young people are considering betting on sports matches this summer, especially on the European Football Championship.

Gaming Authority warns, do not gamble on illegal sites in Apps

The Dutch Gaming Authority (Ksa) has launched an investigation into gambling advertisements in gaming apps that refer users to illegal online casinos.

The Gaming Authority is fully committed to a sports summer with prevention, supervision and enforcement

The Ksa anticipates an increase in (online) betting and gambling advertisements during the coming sports summer with events such as the European Football Championship.