A man making a sports bet on a tablet

Toward raising the minimum gambling age in Belgium to 21? 

The Flemish Expertise Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs (VAD) suggests raising the minimum gambling age in Belgium to 21 years. Currently, access to casino games is only permitted from the age of 21, but for sports betting, bingo, or national lottery games, the age limit is set at 18. If adopted, this proposal by the VAD would mark a significant shift in Belgian responsible gambling policy.

To enter a physical casino or gaming hall in Belgium, one must be 21 years old. This age limit also applies to online casinos. However, other forms of gambling, both online and offline, such as sports betting, bingo, and lotteries, are accessible from the age of 18, which is unsatisfactory to the VAD. To date, the proposal to raise the betting age from 18 to 21 has not yet been implemented.

As early as 2021, the VAD recommended aligning the minimum gambling age to 21 years as part of an interfederal gambling policy. In May 2022, the General Cell for Drug Policy presented the “Gambling Addiction Action Plan 2022-2028,” incorporating most of the VAD’s recommendations. However, the VAD was not entirely satisfied with the measures adopted, particularly regarding sports betting and the exclusion of other online games like lotteries and bingo. Furthermore, the proposed weekly play limits were deemed insufficient.

The VAD, therefore, once again suggests raising the minimum age to gamble in Belgium to 21 years. This proposal is among the nine priorities in the center’s memorandum, focusing on establishing effective policies concerning alcohol, psychoactive medications, gambling, gaming, and illegal drugs. The center also wants to ban free games on attractive digital channels for young people, refine the EPIS register, and impose a comprehensive deposit limit.

Benefits of this Increase According to the VAD 

The VAD claims that raising the minimum age for all forms of gambling to 21 would help prevent gambling addiction and related damage. The center cites the 2022 World Cup as an example, where over 43,000 new gamblers registered on licensed gambling sites, 58% of whom were under 30 years old.

Research conducted by GambleAware in the UK indicates that gamblers who start at a young age are more likely to develop gambling problems later in life. In addition to raising the minimum age, the VAD also advocates for improved access to healthcare, including addiction coverage in insurance policies.

Belgian Measures Against Gambling Addiction 

Belgium has already implemented several measures to combat gambling addiction and related harm. Since July 1, 2023, a ban on gambling advertising has been in effect, and mandatory EPIS control has been established for physical betting offices.

However, the VAD aims to go further in protecting Belgian citizens, especially young people, from the dangers of gambling addiction. The proposal to raise the minimum gambling age reflects an increasing desire to continue strengthening responsible gambling policies in Belgium.



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