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Jack’s Casino fine for role models: Up to 1 Million euro fine!

The Dutch Gaming Authority (Ksa) has imposed a fine on Jack’s Casino & Sports operated by JOI Gaming Limited. This is for the use of role models in the promotion of Jack’s Racing Day 2023. In the Netherlands, as in Belgium, the use of role models in gambling advertisements is prohibited. Particularly to protect vulnerable groups such as young people.

Violation of the rules

Jack’s Racing Day 2023 used various well-known figures, including celebrities, to promote the event. For example, caps were signed with the Jack’s logo, photos of role models with hostesses were posted on social media, and more.

These actions are contrary to the rules of the Ksa, which prohibits the use of role models in gambling advertising. The Ksa has therefore imposed an order subject to penalty on JOI Gaming Limited.

High fine possible

Jack’s Casino & Sports must immediately remove the offending statements. If the operator does not comply it risks a penalty of €50.000 per day. This with a maximum of €250.000. Repeating the violation can lead to a fine of €200.000 per day. With a maximum of no less than €1.000.000.

Protection of the vulnerable

The ban on role models in gambling advertising is part of strict rules. The Ksa uses this to protect vulnerable groups from the dangers of gambling addiction. The Ksa emphasizes once again that it closely monitors violations of these rules and will punish them severely.



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