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Gaming Commission: “Temporarily no increases of legal deposit limit”

As of May 1, 2024, The National Bank of Belgium will switch to the new BECRIS platform linked to the Central Register for Credit to Individuals (CCB). This has consequences for increasing gaming limits for online gambling, which are temporarily not possible.

The Gaming Commission (KSC) emphasizes that the maximum limit of €200 per week will be maintained during the connection to BECRIS. Players can also still lower their limit or close their account.

Why the switch to BECRIS?

The switch to BECRIS is an important step to ensure player protection, says the Gaming Commission. The new platform offers the KSC more possibilities to check the financial situation of players and thus prevent gambling addiction.

What are the consequences for players?

“From May 1 until BECRIS is operational, players will not be able to increase their limit,” the KSC reports on its website this week. The KSC monitors compliance with the maximum limit of €200 per week. Players can lower their playing limit or close their account.

What are the operators doing?

Operators can still receive requests to increase the limit.The KSC keeps these requests on hold until BECRIS is operational. Players will be kept informed of developments. The KSC expects BECRIS to be operational in mid-May. Once this is the case, players will be able to increase their playing limits again.

The KSC emphasizes that this temporary measure is necessary to ensure player protection. The Commission apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks the players for their understanding.


In the world of Gambling Club, Ron is a dedicated journalist specializing in casino news in the Netherlands. He combines his keen eye for the gambling industry with a deep-rooted passion for sports.

With his inquisitive nature and eye for detail, Ron focuses on describing trends and transformations within the Dutch casino industry, seamlessly integrating his sports expertise.

With years of experience in journalism, ranging from local reporting to large-scale investigative projects, he offers his readers nuanced and in-depth analyses. In this way, he reveals the fascinating intersections between gaming and sports.


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