Gambling club casino news lottery winner

Man from Geraardsbergen wins millions with Lotto after “premonition”

A man from Geraardsbergen has won the Lotto jackpot of no less than 3 million euros! The special twist was that he had been playing the same songs for 30 years but on Wednesday May 22 he decided to follow a “hunch” and chose a different combination. And with success!

The winning numbers

The winning numbers were 14, 16, 22, 26, 32 and 42. The lucky form was purchased at the Standaard Boekhandel in Geraardsbergen.

No wild plans, family and home come first

The winner, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that he wants to use the money to help his family and invest in energy-saving measures for his home. So he doesn’t have any wild plans. “Helping the family is my priority. I want to provide my family with security. And we will look forward to energy-saving investments for our home.”

A golden gamble

The man had played with the same combination for years, but decided on May 22 to try something different. “I had a feeling and decided to take a different tack. So I checked six other numbers.” And guess what? Those six other numbers turned out to be the jackpot!

No unknown winner in Geraardsbergen

The Standaard Boekhandel in Geraardsbergen is no stranger to the world of big Lotto winnings. There was already a Euromillions winner here in 2018 with 250,075 euros.

The profit also brings happiness for the Standaard Boekhandel

The Geraardsbergen residents’ profit will undoubtedly boost the turnover of the Standaard Boekhandel. Manager Filip De Gelas is very happy with his customer’s profit.



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