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Shocking Revelations: CEO of National Lottery under fire for misconduct

Verbal abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking in the office, and a toxic work environment. The behavior of the CEO of the National Lottery Jannie Haek is heavily scrutinized. Currently, a mediation process is underway between the CEO and a joint union front. The complaint letter speaks of multiple disturbing incidents.

Géraldine Demaret, chairwoman of the board of directors of the National Lottery, stated the following to De Standaard:

“We take this very seriously; it concerns the well-being of employees of a government-owned company.”

In February, Demaret received a complaint letter about the behavior of the CEO from a joint union front of ACV, ACOD, and ACLVB.

Géraldine Demaret:

An exceptional step.”

Mediation process initiated

“De Tijd” was able to review the letter. The content of the letter speaks of “unacceptable verbal abuse, excessive alcohol use, and a toxic attitude based on fear and intimidation.” This content was confirmed to “De Standaard.” In response, Demaret initiated a mediation process with an external mediator.

Who is Jannie Haek?

Since 2013, he has been serving as CEO of the National Lottery. Prior to that, he was CEO of the railways from 2005 to 2013. He also previously worked in ministerial socialist cabinets, collaborating with Louis Tobback and Johan Vande Lanotte.

A man with extensive experience in various fields whose behavior is now heavily questioned, as the letter paints a less than flattering picture of him. According to “De Tijd,” he tolerates little dissent and even resorts to shouting at those who attempt it. This shows little respect for his employees, whom he reportedly often calls “stupid,” according to the union. It cannot be the intention for a CEO to sow unrest in the workplace and make employees feel uncomfortable.

“Arrogant and sometimes a bully”

At the time of his appointment as CEO of NMBS, newspapers described him as a workaholic, highly intelligent, and a dossier lover. Those were the keywords then. But also this: Arrogant, not devoid of cynicism, and sometimes a bully. However, there was a somewhat negative undertone.

Jannie Haek’s response at the time in “De Morgen“:

“I have received and still receive the accusation of being a power-hungry bully who always gets his way. That’s not true. I can’t deal with conflicts and arguments.”

“Not intended to make it a public trial of Jannie Haek”

“But to restore safety and serenity in the workplace.”

This resonates in the workplace at the National Lottery. They believe that he has achieved very good results for them, but not every behavior is excusable. After all, professional collaboration must always be possible in a pleasant atmosphere.

Therefore, the letter sounds more like a “cry for help” to ask the board of directors for assistance because Haek’s behavior towards the unions and employees became unacceptable. He reportedly behaves “very authoritatively.” Unions must “agree” to certain decisions. But “there is no room for discussion.”

There is no fear of dismissal. It is about his unacceptable verbal behavior when something does not please him. He would even start shouting at employees. This verbal aggression and unpredictability make the atmosphere in the workplace unsafe and toxic. The staff prefer to avoid him.

“If you know he won’t agree, you always have to be careful how you phrase something, because it can turn out wrong. He is very intelligent, so how can you not realize the damage such behavior causes?” say the complaints.

The truthfulness of the current complaints

Chairwoman Demaret does not wish to comment on this:

“The procedure is ongoing, and we want to give it every chance of success. We want to improve relations.”

A source close to the top indicates that Haek “can be very heavy in discussions, but correct in execution, and everyone knows he can be uncouth. Whether that is also toxic is another question.”

An Lammens is also someone who has long worked closely with him at the National Lottery and stated in HLN that he “tolerates dissent” and also calls him an “integrity man.”

“De Standaard” also requested a response from Jannie Haek, but according to the National Lottery, he cannot respond because all participants in the mediation have signed a confidentiality clause.

Official statement

In it, the following is stated:

“The union letter states that the CEO has exhibited a form of communication that has made people feel unsafe and hurt. The CEO is aware that he has hurt people through this form of communication and will ensure that this does not happen again.”

A planned employee well-being survey is already being brought forward on the agenda.



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