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Unique wristbands: Peer focuses on the prevention of gambling addiction

In the run-up to the European Football Championship the city of Peer together with sports clubs and catering partners is taking steps to prevent gambling addiction. To this end, the city is launching trendy wristbands with the message “Don’t gamble away your sporting pleasure”.

Gambling behavior among athletes is extra risky

Research by the Flemish Expertise Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs (VAD) and Ghent University shows that members of sports clubs participate in sports betting five times more often than non-members. Moreover, their gambling behavior is ten times more risky.


To draw attention to this, Peer is launching the campaign “Don’t gamble away your sporting pleasure”. Mayor Steven Matheï (CD&V) emphasizes the importance of this campaign: “We want to raise awareness about the dangers of gambling in a fun way, with the help of the Peerse sports clubs and catering partners.”

Wristbands as reminders

Fabric wristbands have been made especially for this campaign with the message “Don’t gamble away your sporting pleasure”. These wristbands can be found at Peerse sports clubs and catering establishments and at the counter of the Customer Contact Center in Poorthuis.


The collaboration between the city’s sports clubs and the catering industry is crucial to effectively combat gambling addiction. By raising awareness together and offering help to people with gambling problems Peer can create a healthier and safer environment for everyone.


In the world of Gambling Club, Ron is a dedicated journalist specializing in casino news in the Netherlands. He combines his keen eye for the gambling industry with a deep-rooted passion for sports.

With his inquisitive nature and eye for detail, Ron focuses on describing trends and transformations within the Dutch casino industry, seamlessly integrating his sports expertise.

With years of experience in journalism, ranging from local reporting to large-scale investigative projects, he offers his readers nuanced and in-depth analyses. In this way, he reveals the fascinating intersections between gaming and sports.


Meta suspected of promoting illegal “loot boxes” ads in Belgium

Meta, who is responsible for Facebook and Instagram, has received payments from 172 mobile gaming companies to advertise game features that Belgium considers a form of gambling.

YouTube strengthens its regulations on online gambling

The online gambling landscape is once again facing a wave of regulatory changes. YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, has announced a significant tightening of its rules regarding gambling-related content.

Card theft: punishment for a postman with a gambling addiction

A case involving theft, gambling addiction and celebrity recently hit the headlines in Belgium. A postman from Anderlecht, accused of stealing bank cards, ended up in court.